There will be no more incidents because of electric shock. If a person comes into direct contact with Live wire whether that person is on ground or in water that person will be completely safe from electric shock. On an average 30-35 people died every day in India because of electrocutions.
Till now the measure factor was responsible behind any fire accidents is none other than Short Circuit. According to NCRB (National Crime Records Bureau) on an average Rs. 17000 crore worth of property get destroyed or fall down to ashes because of short circuit fire incidents. If SPP is installed there will be no fire accidents because of Short Circuits.
Each & every electrical equipment works on the required proper and adequate voltage to operate smoothly. Popular Model of SPP comes with the function of Voltage Stabilization which regulates the voltage during fluctuations and helps to improve the efficiency of electrical equipment’s.
Electrical overload is also one of the factors responsible for short circuit accidents. SPP distribute the power supply in such a way that each Phase gets equal output.
For Example – 20KW Three Phase Device won’t allow to consume the power which exceeds above 22KW, after that it trips down the power immediately to protects from overload of electricity.
When significantly higher or lower voltage supply passes through wires into devices, it’s known as a power surge or spike. These surges or spikes can be small or large, resulting in reduced performance or possibly damaging plugged-in devices. SPP will protect the appliances from these surges and spikes of electric voltage.