HT VCB stands for High Tension Vacuum Circuit Breaker. It is a type of switchgear that is used for the protection of electrical equipment such as transformers, generators, motors, etc. from short circuits, overloads, earth faults, etc. HT VCB panels operate at high voltages (usually 11 kV or 33 kV) and can interrupt high currents (up to 3150 A) using vacuum as the arc quenching medium1234. HT VCB panels are widely used in industries, power plants, substations, etc. because they are reliable, durable, safe and require minimal maintenance.
According to the search results, RMU UNIT stands for Ring Main Unit, which is a type of Switchgear used for medium voltage power distribution. It is a compact, enclosed and sealed unit that contains switching devices, protection devices and metering devices. It has one incomer feeder and one or more outgoing feeders. The incomer feeder can be either a Vacuum Circuit Breaker or an SF6 Circuit Breaker with associated Disconnect Switch and Earth Switch. The outgoing feeder consists of Load Break Switches with associated Disconnect Switch and Earth Switch. The RMU UNIT is filled with SF6 gas to make the design compact and to provide insulation and this product is usable for HT Multi Circuit or Multi Transformer Distribution Network
Designed for secondary distribution networks up to 24 kV, 630 A ratings. Non extensible, extensible and modular range with metering facilities. Metal enclosed design with IP54 degree of protection suitable for both outdoor and indoor duties. All switching functions are insulated with SF6 gas and sealed in stainless steel tank with
leakage rate of less than 0.1% per year. Fully interlocked operation with padlocking facility for maximum operator protection and safety.
Internal arc classified and type tested as per latest IEC 62271 standards. Choice of wide range of self/auxiliary powered relay protection or TLF (Time Limit Fuses). Actuators (motorized operation for ring switches and circuit breakers) with user friendly external mounting arrangement and low downtime for site retrofitting.
Seamless integration with SCADA network for remote operation and control. Maintenance free and low environmental impact
SF6 gas Insulated LBS is mainly used for overhead lines which operate at up to 24kV. These types of switches meet the demand for maintenance-free & oil-less operation through SF6 gas, the associated parts, as well as devices, are connected in its stainless steel and hermetically sealed tank. This low brake switch is operated manually or motorized for isolation of fault, automation & remote control to suit power line necessities. The advantages of the SF6 LBS mainly include security, high reliability, and easy installation.
PCES air load break switch type LBS is provided with current limiting power fuses and type LB is not so fitted. Both types are compact and incorporate arc-extinguishing devices of PCES own design. The arc is drawn into a long narrow chamber with close clearances in which the gases are rapidly cooled and dispersed. Contact points therefore wear very slowly, so giving switches a long service life. Air load break switches are recommended for use with power capacitors and transformers.
Termination kits shall be used for termination of 11/22/33kV power cable at HT panel, Transformer & Transmission line ends. Straight through joints shall be used for connecting joints for33kV power cables.
We are successfully ranked amongst the trustworthy entities offering a wide range of HT Cable Joint Kit and End termination Kit. At our vendor’s end, this efficient kit is manufactured using quality materials and advanced technology. Professionals manufacture all kinds of kit according to the trending demands and clients’ needs. In addition, the offered kit is built and developed adhering to industry standards. Furthermore, quality control team opts for strict quality inspection to assure flawless performance of the kit during operation. Besides, clients can get the kit from us at industry leading cost.
The Cable Terminal Protector is an insulating barrier system which can be used in conjunction with any indoor termination. The Cable Terminal Protector is an unique insulating system for providing phase to phase to earth insulation to power cable terminals where these terminations need to be installed in very compact areas like motor terminal boxes, ring main units, distribution transformers etc.
HT TAPE is specially made for Effective Jointing & Insulation of HT & LT Power Cables, Bus Bar Insulation and Waterproofing of Electricals Joints and Connection.
CTPT stands for Current Transformer and Potential Transformer. CT and PT are both types of measuring devices used to measure currents and voltages. CT is connected in series with the circuit while PT is connected in parallel to the trivector meter. A trivector meter is a metering device that reads all parameters of electrical devices like KW, KVA, KVAR, KVARH, PF, I, V, etc.
CT and PT are used where large quantities of currents and voltages are used. The job of CT and PT is to reduce high current and high voltage to a parameter. With the help of this parameter, we can measure the current flowing at high volume and voltage.
Availability Based Tariff (ABT) is a frequency-based pricing mechanism applicable in India for unscheduled electric power transactions. The ABT falls under electricity market mechanisms to charge and regulate power to achieve short term and long-term network stability as well as incentives and dis-incentives to grid participants against deviations in committed supplies as the case may be.
11kV air break switches are used in high-density urban situations or high load centres, where the load is much higher and the situation calls for enhanced and stable quality supply. They are also ideal to suit overhead systems.
11KV DO Fuse is an outdoor, open, drop out expulsion type fuse cut outs suitable for installation in 50Hz, 11KV distribution system for protection of H.T. lines and transformer centres Tap lines. It is used to protect transformers on rural distribution networks and in inaccessible substations where indication of fusing is highly required.
11KV Pin Insulator with Hardware is used in 11 KV & 33 KV Overhead Lines. It is a composite insulator that is suitable for use in 11 KV & 33 KV Overhead Lines. The composite insulators will be used on lines on which the conductor will be AAAC/ACSR of size up to 80
11kv Disc Insulator With Hardware is used in 11 KV & 33 KV Overhead Lines. It is a composite insulator that is suitable for use in 11 KV & 33 KV Overhead Lines. The composite insulators will be used on lines on which the conductor will be AAAC/ACSR of size up to 80